“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” -1 John 4:10 Listen to chapter

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Friend vs wall

I was reading Art's blog and came across with this interesting quote...

Sometimes people put up walls around themselves. Not to keep others out,
but to see who cares enough to tear them down

I believe that there are certain people in our life that we would called them difficult to deal with or hard to approach. So much so that, we would redraw ourselves from them, just to save ourselves from all those dramas/ troubles. But having said that, it only proves how shallow our sincerity is, to start a friendship with this person.

Every one had their goods and bads; but the bottom line is that God made us to be good. There maybe times that this person seems so unreasonable and unable to explain themselves, but how many times would you dare say that you had step into that person shoes to think for them?

Is there another possible reason that he/she is acting this way?
Have I tried to see the good in that person?
Was it because of something that I've done or should have done?
Have I really give my 100%?

This quote seems like a wake up call for me that just because you seen the ugly side of him/her (or finds them hard to approach), it does not categories them into a friend that is unworthy of your attentions or effort to make the friendship works. So the next time you felt like giving up on a friend, refer to the quote above and think twice =)


  1. wow!! i am really impressed by this blog, and more importantly to you for taking something from my blog to share with people and add what you think to it....

    i couldnt agree more and it something that i have always been trying to do, and one last things is that sometime if that person really is hard to break into dont give up on them cause sometime people need time till they will let's you break that big wall =)

    however if you came across people who feel that your effort is going unappreciated then maybe that person wasnt meant for you to break down the world. GOD made different people to be closed to each other~~ =)
