“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” -John 3:16 Listen to chapter

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

God Never Blinks: Lesson 2

Lesson 2: When in doubt, just take the next right step.

I find this profoundly true. Many of us are desperately trying to figure out what course to study after high school, what job are we suppose to get, are we going to make ends meet, should we go out with that person, should we settle down, where should we do it, how are we going to pull it through with the long distance, will his/her parent like me, what if I got fired... etc Too often, we focus on the problem so much that, we won't dare to make a step.

ACTUALLY, all we need to do is to take the next right step.

Take a course catalogue if you don't know what to study,
submit the CV any way and see what comes back (if God wills it, He will leave a door open),
take a financial planner class or stop using unnecessary money to make ends meet,
talk it out with the person or those around you if you are ready for a relationship (or better still talk to your pastor & parent about settling down),
be yourself in front of others and relax (the more nervous you are when meeting the in-law, the more likely you are going to screw it up. so might as well, take a deep breath and enjoy the moment. remember the first lesson "get to"),
do your best in work, even if you got fired, move on. (who knows you might get a better offer later).

"So what's you next right step? Whatever it is, take it" Regina Brett

Reference: Regina B. (2010). God Never Blinks: 50 lessons for life's  little detours. 
New York: Grand Central Publishing.

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