Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a day to start with.Failed.

I left my baby, Iphone in Eugene's car. So here I am having withdrawal syndrome and missed the only class of the day T.T sadz. I hope many will agree with me on this, my phone also play an IMPORTANT role as my alarm clock. Knowing that I will miss class without the alarm, I replaced it with my other digital watch. Unfortunately, the alarm did not go off too! Argghhhhh!!! The class is scheduled to end at 11am and I only wake up like 11:20am.

What a day to start with.Failed.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Recent happenings

Well, I was talking bout me making a chocolate shortbread in my previous blog. It was a disaster btw =( I left the base in the oven for too long, so it was all dry and bitter, plus, the glaze look more granule when it was suppose to be smooth and shinny. Oh well, I guess I just have to try it again >.<

Left: 1st time making the chocolate glaze
Right: 2nd time making the chocolate glaze
I ended up doing a double coated chocolate glaze on top of my shortbread >.<

Jo, Emily and Ade's traffic light bday party was great. Me and Jud actually predicted that the "red colour top" will dominate the room, but quite a bit of yellow turn up too. So yeah, it was a night that filled with lots of laughter, fun and entertainments. We had groups competing against one another, personal questions poured onto the bday girls, great desserts, Elim's Wonder Girls, personal favourite: Ern's singing for the girls and last but no least... the eggs ;) We were told from the beginning that the one of the girl will be punish badly if the team she was in, loses. Since Jo's team lost, we were all expecting her to get smash by the raw egg or something. lol, but it was just a lie tho. cause all the eggs that Dennis brought was all hard boiled egg, and to say that it was a raw egg to scare the bday girls. haha.

The next day, I caught up with Sylvia =)

Friday, March 26, 2010

chocolate shortbread =D

I was asked to make some dessert for a friend's birthday, so I went online to search for some yummy dessert. Then I bump into this! =)


Doesn't it look yummy?? hehe. So, I thought of giving it a try. Hopefully it turns out well; I am actually waiting for it to be cooked in the oven now >.< just waiting to put the rich, yummy chocolate glaze on top of it. wee~~

Thursday, March 25, 2010

the smell of chlorine lingers...

So here I am, trying to get some work done in Burns. Once in a while, I will rest my face on my palm, and it was then I smell it again. The smell of chlorine which still lingers around despite after a long, hot shower.

Just came back from a swim at Moana pool; it feels really good =) There are so many things to think about, but once I immerse myself into those blue, clear water... it felt as though some one just turn the sounds off in this world. I can no longer hear the steps of people hurried to class, no more flipping sounds of the pages, no more clicking sounds from the computer of central library or burns, no more voices that tell me what to do next... no more thinking, just me and the water.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Seeking God

Have you ever went for a bible study, learn a great deal of stuff and yet... felt like something is missing? Well, I just felt that today. I wasn't able to concentrate at all, my mind just can't focus and the interest is just no there >.<

What's got into me?

photo taken on the way back to town, just sent my mom off =X

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My favorite past time

picture taken from WuHan Baby Swimming House


Does any one knows when was swimming introduced to the public?? Well, according to the Wikipedia, swimming has been recorded since prehistoric times; the earliest recording of swimming dates back to Stone Age paintings from around 7,000 years ago! Long aye? However, the first book about swimming was only written about 432 years ago by a German professor and the first swimming competition was held about 210 years ago =D

My first swimming experience was when I was about 4 years old, I used to have this mini swimming pool in my house. However, grandpa was afraid that his little ones might fall into the pool one day and drown. So dad have no choice but to filled up the pool and make it into another car porch. Sad huh? =( oh well, we still got to head down to nearby, big public pool all the time =D

So yeap, ever since then, my favorite past time have always been swimming. Luckily, there is a heated pool in Dunedin that I can go to. Though we need to pay to go in, but being able to go at least once a week already makes me a very happy girl =D

Sunday, March 14, 2010


photo taken from Aihibed Magaña

I am really tired of explaining myself over and over again.
Feelings: very disappointing and tired of talking to you

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thank you for teaching me this valuable lesson Father =)

Words just can not explain my gratitude to the Lord for answering my prayers now =D I prayed for a chance to serve Him and being part of the Connect Ministry had never come into my mind.

To be honest, I often find it hard to connect to people. Well, things just do not come naturally to me that easily as compare to the rest of the member in the ministry. Yeah, and doing things that I am not good in, does seems like a superb big challenge to me >.< I was struggling for a while if this is really where I meant to serve and this verse came to me.

But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me."
2 Corinthians 12:9

With this, I am more than willing to surrender myself to the Lord, along with all the weaknesses within me. For only in with His love and grace that I can serve, and not with my own strength alone. Thank you for teaching me this valuable lesson Father =)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A new Book =D

Just went down to the Civic Center to pay my parking ticket, here goes my $40 flying off my pocket... T.T Oh well, just wanna say that I also went to the nearby Manna bookshop and got this awesome book from there =D

The title of the book is "His Princess: Love Letters from Your King". This book is written to encourage all ladies out there that you are God's precious Princess. It also tell us of who we are, why we are here and how much we are loved by God. Is pretty inspiring =) Allow me to share the 1st love letter from our King to you...

I choose you before the foundation of the earth to be My princess. You are royalty even when you don't feel like a princess. I will wait for you until you are ready to start living the amazing plans I have for you. I know you don't know where to begin or how to become what I've called you to be, so let Me teach you day by day. Start by recognizing who I am: King of kings and Lord of lords. The lover of your soul. When the two of us meet alone together every day, I will show you how to let go of things in your life that are holding you back from the blessing I want to give you.

Remember, My child, just I have chosen you, I have given you a choice to represent Me to the world. If you are willing, I am here to give you all you need to complete your calling.

Love, Your King and Lord who choose you

JOHN 15:16

**copied from
His Princess: Love Letters from Your King by Sheri Rose Shepherd