Tuesday, October 29, 2013

God never blinks: Lesson 3

This post took me a while to write, simply because, this is one of the greatest lesson that I need to learn. I spend nearly a week drafting and rewriting this post. Though it might still seems bit disorientated, I hope you get what I want to say. 

Lesson 3: Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 

Have you ever had some one in your life that, had hurt you so deeply that, you would tremble in anger whenever you think about them? Or the person who has wrong you despite all the kindness that you have shown onto them? Some one who claims to love you, yet was also the person who had hurt you the most?

For each scenario mentioned above, I have. Up till now,  whenever I thought of them, it still hurts me and haunts me. Yes, I know that all these are not healthy for our soul and a friend once told me, these bitter memories and feelings will only eat you up from within. So here's where this lesson comes into the picture.

This chapter teaches us that, by helping and freeing the other party, only then we can free ourselves and find peace. But one may ask, how do you get to that place of forgiveness and love? After all that they had done, seriously, like how?

"It's pure grace for some, hard work for other."
For those who needs more, and as a believer of Christ, this would help
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. 
Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV

I believe that "resentment" is one of the biggest obstacle in forgiving others. However, to overcome it, we need to know that deep resentment leads only to futility and unhappiness, it keeps us away from the sunlight of the spirit. So why should we hold onto all the unhappiness in life, keep ourself in the dark, while we can be free, living with beautiful smiles on our faces, and enjoying our time with love and grace from God.  

So to do so, it suggest us to pray for the thing or person that we resent.

"Ask for their health, prosperity, their happiness, and we will be free. do it every day for two week and you will find that the bitterness, hatred and resentment that you once felt will be turned into compassionate understanding and love.."

So are you ready to take that big step?

Reference: Regina B. (2010). God Never Blinks: 50 lessons for life's  little detours. 
New York: Grand Central Publishing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

God Never Blinks: Lesson 2

Lesson 2: When in doubt, just take the next right step.

I find this profoundly true. Many of us are desperately trying to figure out what course to study after high school, what job are we suppose to get, are we going to make ends meet, should we go out with that person, should we settle down, where should we do it, how are we going to pull it through with the long distance, will his/her parent like me, what if I got fired... etc Too often, we focus on the problem so much that, we won't dare to make a step.

ACTUALLY, all we need to do is to take the next right step.

Take a course catalogue if you don't know what to study,
submit the CV any way and see what comes back (if God wills it, He will leave a door open),
take a financial planner class or stop using unnecessary money to make ends meet,
talk it out with the person or those around you if you are ready for a relationship (or better still talk to your pastor & parent about settling down),
be yourself in front of others and relax (the more nervous you are when meeting the in-law, the more likely you are going to screw it up. so might as well, take a deep breath and enjoy the moment. remember the first lesson "get to"),
do your best in work, even if you got fired, move on. (who knows you might get a better offer later).

"So what's you next right step? Whatever it is, take it" Regina Brett

Reference: Regina B. (2010). God Never Blinks: 50 lessons for life's  little detours. 
New York: Grand Central Publishing.

Monday, October 21, 2013



God Never Blinks: Lesson 1

For the next few posts, I'm going to write about my own understanding on the lessons that were taught in the book entitled "God Never Blinks". Of course, they are going to be my own personal thoughts and be linked to my own life experiences. So if you are keen, take a read and I hope to inspire you with it =)

Lesson 1: Life is good
The take home message was "get to". Many of us complains about the need to go to work, the need to finish up an assignment, the need to cook for family, the need to serve in church. However, if we were to take a step back and look at our life, we will realize that actually we were very much blessed in life.

We get to go to work while others struggle to find one for months or even years some times,
we get to study and work on an assignment while some may not even have the chance to receive education,
we get to cook a meal for our family while some orphans have none to dine with (or some of their loved ones has passed on and leaving only regrets for not spending enough time together),
and we get to serve in church while others may be persecuted for practicing their religion.

Now tell me aren't you blessed? =)

Instead of approaching each day with a "need to" attitude, how about turning it around and tell yourself, you get to do all those things.

Reference: Regina B. (2010). God Never Blinks: 50 lessons for life's  little detours. 
New York: Grand Central Publishing. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013



Saturday, October 12, 2013

2nd Attempt on Clothing for toys.

My mom is away in New Zealand at the moment, feeling bored at home. I took out some of the old toys that me and my brother used to play with. They were all worn out, so I decided to mend it and put on some new clothes on them. I started with Wendy the bear. 

Wendy is a lot easier to start with because she was the last one to be added into the family, hence the damage on her was minimal. Haha, we are pretty rough when it comes to toys, you will see why later. So using the left over ribbons and a yellow top that I no longer wear, I made a small piece of clothing on her. 

The ribbon & yellow top


Next, I worked on Nyek Nyek Bear. Now this one, this one had served us the longest. So the damage is severe as compare to Wendy the Bear. He has openings all over his body, so a lot of time was taken to seal them back. To top it off, the material of this teddy is wearing out. So if I were to pull it slightly harder, I might tore it apart. 

I haven figure out the right clothing on this one yet, but since mending it has taken me some time, I will just leave it at its original state for now. 

There is only so much I can do for the eyes...  

Lastly, is Coco the Bear. I left this the to the last, because I need to find the right cloth to the body. As shown in the picture, we tried to sew the broken part back, but it was really badly done. So this time, I decided to put on some new cloth for him.

I also added a new scarf for him, nice? =D

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Don't deny me

”don't deny me my child ” was the word that I've been hearing from God lately. When I'm lying on the bed, contemplating if I should do my Bible study or go to sleep. These words came and made me take up the Bible willingly.

Is it for you too?

Maid of Honor =)