For all my friends who knew me, they would have know that I am a very punctual person. I like to reach a place earlier than the supposed meeting time, hence I would also expect others to do the same.
"Is better to be early than to be late", a principal that my parent had brought me up with. Is a good thing to be brought up with, and it would definitely give a little bit of credit in my work attitudes in the future; but I believe that I too can get
carried away with it at times.
I can seriously get mad at my friends (close one, that I am comfortable enough to show my discomfort with) for being late, for even about 5 minutes. Nasty? Yeah, I know I am. And is something that I have been trying to talk myself out of it for so long. I just find it hard to find a reason to explain to myself this: why set a time, when you cannot comply to it? Having said that, if that person has a good reason, that is totally way out of their control, I would totally accept it and be fine with it. It helps more, if the person could just give me a heads up that they may take a little longer than they expect it to be. So? Is it too much to ask for? Isn't this an ethical way of doing it, instead of letting your friends to wait aimlessly for you to arrive (while you are taking your own sweet time, or could have just get ready a little bit earlier OR stop lingering around facebook/youtube)
Unfortunately, life also taught me that not every one will behave or think like you do. Sometimes, you just have to take it as it is. But it still sucks. How I wish I could just scream at them and say this, "LOOK AT YOUR WATCH! YOU'RE SO FREAKING LATE! NO! IS NOT OKAY, NOW APOLOGIES!".