Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Baptism

Dear friends,

Please pray for my baptism tomorrow. Finally, this day has come! The idea had been planted in my mind for a while, but I haven been very hardworking in making it happen. Yes, is a confession. As for now, I am really looking forward for it to happen.

I know of Christ when I was 15. It was my then classmate, that bring me to the Lord. I am eternally grateful for his effort. He was very faithful in bringing his Bible (superb thick one) to school to read, every single day. Such commitment impressed me and made me really curious on the book. One day, I asked him if I can borrow his Bible to read. He was very happy and quickly lend it to me. I started with the new testament. When I knew of what Christ has gone through to save my soul, I was really touched and cried. I knew and believed from then, that He did suffer, died and rose again.

Throughout the years, God has been faithful in His love for me. He has always been there for me through good and bad times. Especially in times when I distance myself from Him, He never forsake me and kept yearning for my heart. His unfailing love had healed and cushioned me from many failed relationships in life. He is always teaching me to be better and be more like His son. For that I am eternally grateful, papa!

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