Friday, March 25, 2011

my unspoken view

As most of you have heard, E is going back to S'pore this coming April. Some of you may wondered and have asked what is going to happen between us, if he goes back. Mean while, I have also received several comments, advice and critics from all parties. So here is what I really think.

Q: If E is going back to S'pore, what about you?
Me: We will have to go for LDR. Is not that we haven done it before. The first 6 months of our 3 years relationship, started on LDR. We decided to keep this relationship going despite our circumstances.

Q: That was 3 years ago, things have change isn't it? Your needs from 3 years ago may differ from what it is today.
Me: Yes, I agree and thank you for pointing it out. The reason why last summer of LDR was a bit rough may be a result of it, and I am not going to let it happen again. I will definitely talk to E about it and see what we can do about it.

Q: why can't you be more supportive about E going back to S'pore?
A: No matter what E decided to do, he'll always have me at his back. The thought that I am going to stop him from going back has never even crossed my mind. In fact, I have been trying to tell him that going back to S'pore isn't a bad idea at all. Just because E refuses to go back to S'pore, does not mean that is all due to my influences. He has a mind of his own, and I will never or be able to force him to do what he refuses to do.

Honestly, my view on E going back to S'pore, isn't exactly a bad idea at all. I think that is so much more better than the endless waiting and rejection that he has been going through here. Having said that, I will still hope. hope that he may actually find a decent job before he is forced to go back. Yes, I will definitely miss him, but that does not mean that I must have him by my side all the time. Is not good for the relationship, as well as for E himself. However, the fact that he can go back to his family and friends back home, is more than a good reason to go home. So stop telling me to be more supportive, when things are already so hard on us.


  1. hey Ginny, I hope things work out for you. LDRs are possible, but you have to put effort into it. whatever choice you or he makes, put your hearts into it. take care babe. =)

  2. *HUGS* Totally get what you mean with the LDR. So sorry that you both have to go through that again! :( Love you babe! xxx
