“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” -Galatians 3:26-28 Listen to chapter

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

3 months and counting

St Bathans

St Bathans

E's farewell

E's farewell

E's farewell

E has left Dunedin for a bout a week by now. The first night was tough and I cried myself to sleep. I know I took it pretty hard on myself, but I just cant help it. After all these years of having him so close to me, is really not easy to see him leave. What's more, this town is where we met and fall for each other. Sometimes I do wonder, if God permits, I would like to hold our wedding here too =) As for now, things are getting better and found myself lost in the extra, free time...

Last Friday, we went to this place call Saint Bathans (shown in the pictures above). Is about 3 hours drive north from Dunedin, pass by En Hakore and Middlemarch. The scenery is breath taking and I'm glad to be there with him. I hold a surprise farewell for him last Saturday too, but it some what failed. One of the girl I invited told him this, "I am not sure if is a surprise, but I cannot come to your farewell". LOL, I did put a note there not to tell him though. Maybe I should put it at the beginning of the description and bold it next time. So it turns out that he knew about the surprise the same time that others do, but thankfully, she did not reveal the date. It was a themed farewell too! Thanks to D and F, we came out with this awesome theme: "E's Style" [which consists of sunnies, hoodie, bog short and slippers] hehe.

I think God has been really kind to me. Knowing that E's leaving will have a big impact for me, He let me adapt to it slowly. How? The four day road trip that E took with his friend (a glimpse of LDR), then come back to Dunedin for a few days (where we went to St Bathans and hold a little farewell for him) then take off again to another road trip for a week (still within the same time zone) before flying back to S'pore for good. You see the change of period here? From four days to one week and now 3 months (I've decided to go back home in July), all these slow changes have allowed me to adapt to it slowly. So I'm pretty sure God will help me/us make it through LDR too =)

ps: BIG HUG to those who has sent me many thoughtful messages, and happily went out with me this week (you know who you are). I'm glad to have you guys around. You are a real blessing to me and thank you =) love you all! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Wah, nice blog ah Ginny, first time visiting. (such a bad fren rite, hehe)

    yay! ur coming back in july?! MUST catch up k Ginny Chan. Sabrina oso back here studying. :)

    BTW, u can always go join him and work in Singapore too. You are doing food science are something like that right? Singapore lotsa job prospects. But no life la, work like dog. But thats for financial sector though, so not sure if that will apply to you, haha.
