Saturday, February 2, 2013

You made me felt so loved when I thought I wasn't worthy of being loved.

I cried when I got home last night. I cried when I told my boss that I want to leave the company earlier. I cried when my best friend tried to talk me out of crying. I cried when I was alone in the room. I cried when my other boss called me. I cried when I was in the shower. I cried when I was cooking dinner. I cried when my mom and brother called me. I cried so much yesterday.

But in the midst of all these crying and sulking, my phone never stops ringing with concern messages from  all over the world. haha, I made a joke out of this to my brother before. I was well known to the world, cause my friends are from all over the world. But seriously, I need to find time to answer all of them. But explaining to others why my bf dump me is not easy... please give me some more time. Then my boss who called me was kind enough to ask me go down to SG the next day so that we two can patch things up. She even offered me a place to stay while I was there. Isn't she great?

To be honest, I am really blessed. Though I thought I fallen hard, but God been with me every step of the way. So thank you guys. You made me felt so loved when I thought I wasn't worthy of being loved.

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